# Reset and troubleshooting

# Complete reset

Occasionally you may need to perform a comlpete reset of your node due to data corruption or misconfiguration. Resetting will remove all data in ~./paloma/data and the addressbook in ~/.paloma/config/addrbook.json and reset the node to genesis state.

To perform a complete reset of your palomad state, use:

palomad unsafe-reset-all

Running this command successfully will produce the following log:

[ INF ] Removed existing address book file=/home/user/.paloma/config/addrbook.json
[ INF ] Removed all blockchain history dir=/home/user./paloma/data
[ INF ] Reset private validator file to genesis state keyFile=/home/user/.paloma/config/priv_validator_key.json stateFile=/home/user./paloma/data/priv_validator_state.json


After resetting, make sure the addressbook contains peer addresses and is in the correct spot. If not, download an adressbook and place it in ~/.paloma/config/.

# Change Genesis

To change the genesis version, delete ~/.paloma/config/genesis.json.

You can recreate a genesis version via the following steps:

 palomad add-genesis-account $(palomad keys show <account-name> -a) 100000000ugrain,1000usd
 palomad gentx <account-name> 10000000ugrain --chain-id=<network-name> 
 palomad collect-gentxs

# Reset personal data


You may be unable to use your node and its associated accounts after changing your personal data. Do not perform this action unless your node is disposable.

To change your personal data to a completely pristine state, delete both ~/.paloma/config/priv_validator_state.json and ~/.paloma/config/node_key.json.

# Node health

A healthy node will have the following files in place and populated:

  • Addressbook ~/.paloma/config/addrbook.json
  • Genesis file ~/.paloma/config/genesis.json
  • Validator state ~/.paloma/config/priv_validator_state.json
  • Node key ~/.paloma/config/node_key.json

# Resync

You can proceed to resync manually or via quicksync.