# Commonly used ports

# pigeon

Pigeon uses port 5757 as default port for the health check. You can set this in the ~/.pigeon/config.yaml file. An environment variable referencing this port needs to be set for all palomad commands that reference the staking module.


If you're running palomad as a service add this variable to your system file as well.

# palomad

palomad uses the following TCP ports. Toggle their settings to fit your environment.

Most validators will only need to open the following port:

  • 26656: The default port for the P2P protocol. This port is used to communicate with other nodes and must be open to join a network. However, it does not have to be open to the public. For validator nodes, configuring persistent_peers and closing this port to the public is recommended.

Additional ports:

  • 1317: The default port for the Lite Client Daemon, which can be executed by palomad rest-server. The LCD provides an HTTP RESTful API layer to allow applications and services to interact with your palomad instance through RPC. For usage examples, see Paloma REST API (opens new window). You don't need to open this port unless you have use for it.

  • 26660: The default port for interacting with the Prometheus (opens new window) database, which can be used to monitor the environment. In the default configuration, this port is not open.

  • 26657: The default port for the RPC protocol. Because this port is used for querying and sending transactions, it must be open for serving queries from palomad.


Do not open port 26657 to the public unless you plan to run a public node.